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- AMOS Mailing List FAQ
- Updated April 11, 1997 by Michael Cox (mcox@access.digex.net)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. To subscribe or unsubscribe send the message to either me or
- amos-request@access.digex.net. DO NOT send them to the amos-list
- address. Put SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message
- so I know what you want.
- 2. If you want to distribute a file:
- a) upload it to Aminet and post an announcement to the
- list
- b) email it to me and I will upload it to Aminet
- c) post a message to the list asking who wants it mailed to them
- and then mail it to those who give permission
- 3. Arguments over anything should be done via private email.
- 4. If a message to you is returned undeliverable, I will check the reason
- why and then decide if I should delete you from the list. So, if you
- do not get messages for 2 days in a row, email me and I will let you
- know what has happened.
- 5. No messages about pirating, removing protection from demos, etc. I
- don't have time to be a policeman, so let's try to be self-policing!
- 6. The AMOS List is amos-list@access.digex.net
- 1) What is AMOS?
- AMOS is a BASIC language. It has many more commands than AmigaBASIC
- and can let you do more powerful things so it is a Superset of BASIC. If you
- can program in BASIC, you can code in AMOS. I think AMOS stands for AMiga
- Operating System but do not quote me on it!
- AMOS is an interpreted language but you can buy the Compiler for it
- which will let you compile your programs into an AmigaDOS executable. Then
- you can distribute your program without its source. Obviously, compiled
- programs are much faster. If you do not want to pay for the Compiler you can
- still distribute your programs using a runtime version of AMOS called RAMOS.
- 2) What is AMOS Pro and Easy AMOS?
- Well, first a bit of history. AMOS The Creator (AMOS) came first.
- Then, Easy AMOS was developed. Finally, less than a year ago (Oct 1992)
- AMOS Professional (Pro) was released.
- AMOS The Creator was first designed to be like the Atari's STOS but
- when Lionet saw how the Amiga was more powerful than the Atari he revamped it
- and made it a pure Amiga product. In the beginning AMOS and the manual were
- rough and found it hard to get along with all Amigas. However, due to the
- policy of free updates, AMOS is much more friendly to the AmigaOS. The manual
- has not been updated so do not be surprised to find 'undocumented' commands and
- features.
- Easy AMOS was designed to help introduce beginner programmers to AMOS
- and programming. A few commands were removed from AMOS and a better user
- interface was created to make the environment as friendly as possible. Also,
- the manual was designed with the beginner in mind and is more of a tutorial
- than a reference manual.
- AMOS Professional was designed with the professional coder in mind.
- The environment was revamped and made even better than Easy AMOS. It has a
- cleaner look with a better editor. Also, many new commands were added, making
- it the most complex of the 3. For those who have been with AMOS since its
- Creator days, you will know that Pro is much more friendlier to the AmigaOS
- and to machines with differing configurations.
- NOTE: Europress *AND* Francois Lionet have dropped all support for AMOS at this
- time. AMOS Pro was on a coverdisk. Source code will not be released to a
- small group for updating/fixing. The price of the code is way too high.
- 3) What is the latest versions?
- As of May 1, 1996, they are:
- AMOS The Creator v1.36
- AMOS Compiler v1.36
- AMOS Professional v2.0
- AMOS Pro Compiler v2.0
- 4) Where can I get the updates?
- There are many ways:
- A) If you do not have FTP access, I can uuencode it and
- email it to you
- B) If you live in the USA, you can send me a disk and one
- 32 cent stamp for return postage and I will snail mail
- it to you. Email me for my Snail Mail address.
- If anyone knows of any other ways, please let me know so I can add it to the
- list.
- To update to AMOS Pro v2.0, you must buy the Pro Compiler. I have not seen or
- heard of any other way, so please correct me if I am wrong.
- 5) What extension slots are being used? Thanks to Steffen Medrow
- (smedrow@fh-stralsund.de)!
- Slot | AMOS | AMOS Pro
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 | Music or EME V4.64 | Music or EME V4.64
- 2 | Compact V1.2 | Picture Compactor V2.00
- 3 | Request V1.41 | Requester V2.00
- 4 | 3D V1.00 | 3D V1.02AP
- 5 | Compiler V1.36 | Pro Compiler V2.00
- 6 | Serial V1.2 | IO Devices V2.00
- 7 | TOME V4.24 | TOME V4.24
- 8 | CText V2.5 | AMCAF V1.43
- 9 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8 | Range (AMOS Club Ext.) V2.9 Plus
- | Shuffle |
- 10 | Ercole V1.6 | Ercole V1.7
- | Dump Lib |
- | LDos V2.5 | LDos V2.5
- 11 | LSer V2.1 | LSer V2.1
- 12 | TURBO PLUS V2.0 | TURBO PLUS V2.0
- 13 | | PowerBobs V1.0
- 14 | Intuition V1.3 | Intuition V1.3b
- 15 | DSAM V1.01 | DSAM V1.01
- 16 | EasyLife V1.4b | EasyLife V1.4b
- 17 | | MakeLib V1.30
- | | Locale Extension V0.26
- | | Sticks V1.0b
- | | Cool Stars ! V1.0
- 18 | CRAFT V1.00 | CRAFT V1.00
- | | JD Int V1.3
- 19 | MusiCRAFT V1.00 | MusiCRAFT V1.00
- | | JD K3 V1.1
- 20 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4 | AMOS OS Interface V3.4
- | Stars | Stars V2.33
- | | JD Colour V2.0
- | | THX Extension V0.6
- | | AMOS OS Devkit V1.20
- 21 | PRT_Extension V1.1 | JD Prt V1.4
- | OpalVision V1.1 |
- 22 | JD_Extension V5.3 | JD V6.4
- 23 | | Misc V1.0
- | | Tools V1.01
- 24 | | GUI Extension V1.61
- 6) What programs on the Internet are written in AMOS?
- These files are on Aminet:
- Filename Location Size Description
- ------------------ -------- ---- -----------
- 3DAmosDemo.lha dev/amos 11K 152+AMOS demo source of 3D game
- 3D_Pro.lha gfx/3d 212K 17+The biggest and best stereogram creator
- abk2mod.lha dev/amos 101K 7+Converts AMOS Music Banks into ProTracke
- alien_breed_3.lha dev/amos 15K 8+Tank duel, Alien Breed 3 clone
- ALottoWin.lha dev/amos 69K 19+ALottoWin v1.0 random LOTTO numbers.
- alt-amos-faq.lha dev/amos 5K 12+Alt.religion.amos Newsgroup FAQ
- Amastermind.lha game/board 124K 235+Mastermind type game written in AMOS. V1
- AMCAFExt140Exa.lha dev/amos 726K 13+Examples for the AMCAF extension
- AMCAFExt140InD.lha dev/amos 507K 13+Latest demovers of the AMCAF-Ext GERMAN
- AMCAFExt140InE.lha dev/amos 499K 12+Latest demovers of the AMCAF-Ext ENGLISH
- AMCAFUpd140Exa.lha dev/amos 366K 12+Examples UPDATE for the AMCAF extension
- AMCAFUpd140InD.lha dev/amos 185K 12+Latest UPDATE of the AMCAF-Ext GERMAN
- AMCAFUpd140InE.lha dev/amos 179K 12+Latest UPDATE of the AMCAF-Ext ENGLISH
- amos-list.lha dev/amos 122K 152+Archive containing AMOS related e-mail d
- amos-meetings.txt docs/anno 1K 6+IRC meetings about Amos and Amos Pro
- AMOS-PD-CD.txt docs/rview 5K 83 Programmer: AMOS PD CD
- Amos.guide02.lha dev/amos 64K 98+A amigaguide help file for amos v0.2
- AMOS.txt docs/rview 13K 207 Programmer: AMOS: The Creator
- AMOS3D.txt docs/rview 8K 207 Programmer: AMOS 3D and Compiler
- AMOSClubUK.lha dev/amos 12K 134+How North American AMOS coders can join
- amosgeil.lha dev/amos 92K 19+Some great Amos procs
- AMOSList-0195.lzh dev/amos 183K 65+Messages about AMOS during January 1995
- AMOSList-0196.lzh dev/amos 236K 13+Messages about AMOS during January 1996
- AMOSList-0295.lzh dev/amos 197K 61+Messages about AMOS during February 1995
- AMOSList-0296.lzh dev/amos 195K 8+Messages about AMOS during February 1996
- AMOSList-0395.lzh dev/amos 100K 55+Messages about AMOS during March 1995
- AMOSList-0396.lzh dev/amos 107K 4+Messages about AMOS during March 1996
- AMOSList-0495.lzh dev/amos 100K 52+Messages about AMOS during April 1995
- AMOSList-0496.lzh dev/amos 465K 0+Messages about AMOS during April 1996
- AMOSList-0595.lzh dev/amos 122K 47+Messages about AMOS during May 1995
- AMOSList-0694.lzh dev/amos 39K 95+Messages about AMOS during June 1994
- AMOSList-0695.lzh dev/amos 156K 43+Messages about AMOS during June 1995
- AMOSList-0794.lzh dev/amos 112K 91+Messages about AMOS during July 1994
- AMOSList-0795.lzh dev/amos 154K 39+Messages about AMOS during July 1995
- AMOSList-0894.lzh dev/amos 177K 87+Messages about AMOS during August 1994
- AMOSList-0895.lzh dev/amos 295K 34+Messages about AMOS during August 1995
- AMOSList-0994.lzh dev/amos 132K 82+Messages about AMOS during September 199
- AMOSList-0995.lzh dev/amos 331K 30+Messages about AMOS during September 199
- AMOSList-1094.lzh dev/amos 160K 78+Messages about AMOS during October 1994
- AMOSList-1095.lzh dev/amos 263K 26+Messages about AMOS during October 1995
- AMOSList-1194.lzh dev/amos 253K 74+Messages about AMOS during November 1994
- AMOSList-1195.lzh dev/amos 90K 21+Messages about AMOS during November 1995
- AMOSList-1294.lzh dev/amos 97K 69+Messages about AMOS during December 1994
- AMOSList-1295.lzh dev/amos 545K 17+Messages about AMOS during December 1995
- AMOSList0993.lzh dev/amos 335K 134+Archive of messages in September 93 on t
- AMOSMEDPlayer.lha dev/amos 54K 185 MED player for AMOS
- AmosMultiEnv11.lha dev/amos 37K 110+Select a .Env file on loading AMOS - Upd
- amosopal.lha gfx/board 12K 135+AMOS Extension to access Opal.library.
- AMOSProfession.txt docs/rview 6K 182 Programmer: Amos Professional
- amosprog.lha dev/amos 8K 30+Some useful AMOS procedures
- amosutil.lha dev/amos 2K 212+Small AMOS tools
- AmosUtils.lha dev/amos 7K 6+Two useful Amos accessories
- AMOSZine.lha dev/amos 266K 20+A demo of AMOSZine
- Amos_ADTS.lha dev/amos 31K 103+Add Abstract Data type Support to Amos
- AMOS_games.lha game/misc 155K 31+Two AMOS games, about 2 1/2 years old
- amos_modplay3.lha mus/play 108K 109+MOD. music player coded in AMOS
- amtudemo.lha dev/amos 68K 127+Demo of AMTUITION, allows simulation of
- Am_Mui10.lha dev/amos 65K 89+Use MUI from AMOSPro
- anim2bob.lha dev/amos 10K 0+<AMOS PRO> Convert Anim files to Bob ban
- APME14.lzh dev/amos 95K 32+Choose different extensions when loading
- ArtCoder.lha dev/amos 70K 15+"Dpaint" that writes AMOS graphics code
- atoms.lha game/think 179K 11+A nice atomic game V2.0
- Auto.lha game/think 178K 12+Quiz-Game in AMOS.
- bab101.lha game/demo 86K 15+Born Again Bad Game Demo w/AMOSPro 2.0
- beast_scroll.lha dev/amos 36K 8+3 layered parallax scroll
- BorisBall.lha game/demo 339K 3+Demo of a Megaball beater with 8 BALL MU
- Bounce.lha game/jump 184K 33+A highly enjoyable bouncy platform game!
- CD32-Joypad.lha dev/amos 5K 3+Read CD32 joypad from Amos.
- chaneques_1.lha game/think 416K 83+Great puzzle game,good gfx,Disk 1/2,Amos
- chaneques_2.lha game/think 397K 83+Great puzzle game,good gfx,Disk 2,Amos
- ChooseEnv.lha dev/amos 7K 114+Select a .Env file on loading AMOS
- CLR_Licensewar.lha dev/amos 23K 134+How to buy CLR Licenseware in North Amer
- Colpectius1.lha dev/amos 26K 34+Collection of AMOS progs, v1.1 all(?) bu
- DairyDemos.lha dev/amos 117K 4+2 nice demos by Dairymen Soft
- deluxema.lha dev/amos 166K 12+Screen Editor
- demo3.lha dev/amos 182K 32+3 AMOS games in source form
- DFunc.lha dev/amos 3K 19+DFunc AMOS
- dizzy_clone.lha dev/amos 46K 8+Clone of the "Dizzy" series
- Dome.lha game/misc 183K 29+Amos strategy game beta demo version
- DTA_Clock.lha util/time 60K The Most Beautiful Clock In The World.
- duck.lha game/shoot 199K 19+A fun little shoot em up
- Easylife110pt1.lha dev/amos 92K 53+Upgrade/Bug Fix for Easylife version 1.1
- Easylife110_P1.lha dev/amos 269K 57+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
- Easylife110_P2.lha dev/amos 144K 57+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
- Easylife110_P3.lha dev/amos 214K 57+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
- Ercole-ext.lha dev/amos 3K 5+AMOS Extension V1.6. Gives 10 new comman
- ExampleSrc1.lha dev/amos 281K 35+Example of AMOS sources
- Exit16v2.lha game/think 103K 72+Simple puzzle game written in AMOS.
- fantasy.lha game/shoot 160K 22+Nice shoot'em up made in Amos
- FBN-Bann.lha text/print 52K 16+Banner prints large banners on a printer
- FBN-BFTM.lha game/misc 68K 16+Simple BlackJack program
- FBN-Cybe.dms demo/mega 448K 16+CyberSpace BBS Demo from Meatball Madnes
- FBN-D21u.lha game/role 311K 7+Dungeon adventure game unregistered vers
- FBN-D22u.lha game/role 312K 6+Dungeon adventure game unregistered vers
- FBN-Solo.lha game/misc 346K 16+Excellent Star Trek Battle Simulator
- FBN-Ther.lha game/gag 104K 16+Joke therapist to help with your mental
- FixLock.lha util/cdity 5K 30+Fixes problems with eg. AMOS and MuFS
- flight.lha dev/amos 1K 26+An Amos routine of preflight check for a
- freeway.lha game/misc 123K 33+AMOS Game simlar to Frogger or croak
- FSelExt.lha dev/amos 1K 92+FSel Extension Procedures for AMOS and A
- galax.lha dev/amos 108K 8+Vertical scroll arcade shooter
- GCreator.lha gfx/misc 114K +Generator for galaxy shapes
- Grafik.lha gfx/fract 52K 75+Fractal-Pattern-Generator in AMOS (germa
- gridloc.lha comm/radio 48K 86+(AMOS) Amateur Radio grid square calc
- gtt.lha dev/amos 2K 12+Gets tool types in AMOS
- GuiComp.lha dev/amos 65K 0+GUI compiler V1.1
- GuiExt15.lha dev/amos 117K 4+Very GOOD Intuition extension for AmosPr
- helpacc.lha dev/amos 65K 143+Add online help to AMOS v1.3x
- HotSpot.lha dev/amos 1K 29+HotSpot changer utility
- hrainbows.lha dev/amos 74K 14+AMOS rainbow designer
- IDCMP.lha dev/amos 6K 103+Amos and Intuition.
- InterfaceDesgn.lha dev/amos 46K 83+User-interface-designer for amospro. v1.
- in_the_target.lha game/shoot 181K 23+Shoot'em up in a blu sky.
- isms.lha dev/amos 11K 12+Intelligent Screen Manager System for AM
- jdlib4_6.lha dev/amos 269K 126+Add lots of commands to AMOS Pro! Extens
- JellyOthelly.lha game/think 73K 20+Very funy version of Othello.
- Jump.lha game/think 106K 75+A AMOS-Game in german...
- jwindows.lha dev/amos 401K 0+J-Windows new extension,preview
- KDLppACC.lha dev/amos 38K 30+Another but very powerful PP accessory
- KnockOut2.lha game/2play 569K 4+AF's PD Select. Now play attached to ELA
- laby.lha dev/amos 47K 76+A simply labyrinth-maker in AMOS (German
- ldosv25d.lha dev/amos 75K 185 new AMOS-commands. ARexx and MORE!
- liga.lha biz/dbase 176K 13+NEW data base for soccer results. (eng)
- Logo1_4.lha dev/lang 331K 11+Nice programming language of TURTLE.
- lserv25d.lha dev/amos 37K 185 new serial for AMOS. With XPR-support!
- MadAMOS.lha util/blank 205K 15+Nine older blankers for Madhouse, try th
- Manos.lha game/think 57K 11+A minefield game
- mapcreator.lha dev/amos 7K 81+Generates 2D overhead view terrain maps
- MatrixBlaster.lha game/misc 299K 122 TRON Light Cycles in AMOS
- mazegen.lha dev/amos 60K 165+Generate mazes for use with AMOS
- MazeTest.lha gfx/misc 114K 58+Iff map reading program in Amos
- mdb2_0.lha biz/dbase 327K 7+Movie Database written in AMOS
- MegaDemo1.lha dev/amos 458K 31+A large multi-part demo written i AMOS
- Memory.lha game/think 56K 75+Memory-Game in AMOS (Trimory-Version, ge
- MiscExt.lha dev/amos 5K 50+Extension for AMOS Pro
- monster_enemy.lha dev/amos 29K 8+Code for controlling huge enemies
- morbith.lha dev/amos 82K 36+3 little AMOS programms
- MReminder.lha util/time 109K +Helps you to remember dates
- msgportloc.lha dev/amos 6K 54+An AMOSPro application to find message (
- MultiPro.lha dev/amos 10K 30+Amos procedure for programming enviromen
- navalbattle.lha game/think 65K 23+Game of naval battle against computer
- NightMathAttak.lha misc/edu 116K 11+Educational math game
- NTSC_PAL.lha dev/amos 5K 95+NTSC<>PAL switcher accessory for AMOSPro
- nVmDIZ.lha comm/misc 48K +Makes FILE_ID.DIZ of the AmiNet .readme
- ObjManip.lha dev/basic 207K 25+IFF Brushes, BlitzII shapes, AMOS Bobs+I
- Optim_Tips.lha dev/amos 4K 6+Some optimisation tips for AMOS programm
- Othello.lha dev/amos 3K 80+A conversion of the board game OTHELLO
- Pacmans-Return.lha game/misc 237K 29+Amos stylish conversion of THE GAME
- Paint.lha game/misc 45K 12+Little game in AMOS
- Peg-It.lha game/think 97K 17+Original and VERY addictive Puzzle game
- Peg-It_src.lha dev/amos 54k 1+Source for one of the BEST puzzle games!
- PH_PROGS.lha dev/amos 11K 152+Five short usefull AMOS source programs
- PilesOTiles.lha game/think 99K 12+Chinese style puzzle game Like Shangai
- PIXX_Master.lha gfx/edit 71K 30+Drawing program, written in AMOS, 3 year
- PongTourney1.0.lha game/misc 118K 95+Pre-release of AMOS Pong game.
- PowerBobs.lha dev/amos 162K 18+PowerBobs for Amos and Amos Pro
- ppACC.lha dev/amos 31K 60+An accessory program to crunch and decru
- ppAccessory10.lha dev/amos 43K 88+A set of AMOS Professional Accessory pro
- PrgCollection.lha dev/amos 661K 55+Many programs (mostly demos) for AMOS.
- ProcLib3.0.lha dev/amos 64K 106+A library of AMOS procedures
- projlist.txt dev/amos 24K 104+List of current projects by Amos users o
- puzle.lha game/think 608K 13+Authentic puzzle game (80 elements) xpk
- pw_proce.lha dev/amos 237K 12+POWER Procedures 1.40 for AMOS !
- RadarRatRun.lha game/misc 384K 31+A maze game Written in AmosPro.
- RainMaker2Demo.lha dev/amos 37K 179 AMOS utility for making rainbows
- reorder.lha dev/basic 24K 2+Sorts Amos or HiSoft programs.(v1.1)
- rgallery.lha pix/misc 42K 15+Temporary paintings created with AMOSPro
- rpgedito.lzh game/role 297K 12+RPG Creator written in AMOS
- Rocko.lha game/misc 290K 13+Boxing Game with Digitized Graphics
- SampleBankEdit.lha dev/amos 103K 132+Requires EasyLife Extension
- scally.lha dev/amos 635K 0+Amos Demo (all amigas >1mb)
- scally_source.lha dev/amos 84K 0+<Any Machine> Complete source code for m
- screenedv22.lha dev/amos 91K 109+Good AMOS(pro) ScreenEd for games ect...
- ShanghaiII.lha game/board 206K Greek Shanghai, board game. PAL display.
- solitaire.lha game/think 63K +Classic solitaire game, giftware
- TSL.lha biz/dbase 107K Fast INDEX KEEPER for DJs, with 3500 songs
- ShroomGammon.lha game/board 258K 21+Backgammon with Mushrooms! *GREAT FUN*
- siit.lha dev/amos 85K 109+Icon editor for use with AMOS(pro)
- SmoothGuide13b.lha text/hyper 76K 13+Smooth AmigaGuide Reader for all Amigas.
- SneechSource.lha dev/amos 27K 26+Early Sneech Game in AMOS Source code.
- SneechV1_5.lha game/2play 390K 0+NEW Vers of *THE BEST* Multi Snake Game!
- space_fighter.lha dev/amos 54K 8+"Street Fighter" clone
- spritegr.lha dev/amos 67K 13+A cool one-click sprite grabber for AMOS
- SRM-V2_2.lha dev/amos 17K 101+An upgrade to the Resource Bank Maker
- SRMv23.lha dev/amos 45K 74+An upgrade to the Resource Bank Maker
- stars.lha dev/amos 7K 149+AGA Supporting AMOS extension with starf
- stormcrunch2.lha dev/amos 91K 109+AMOS cruncher for files/executables (AMO
- Strom.lha biz/dbase 52K 12+Electricity consumption database in AMOS
- strong1.lha dev/amos 94K 165+Demo using TURBO in AMOS
- SupraProcedure.lha dev/amos 20K 11+A collection of AMOS/AMOSPRO Procedures
- swarm.lha dev/amos 56K 104+Swarm! lines fly to mouse pointer - very
- tag-w-amos.lha game/2play 303K 42+TAG, with amos.library 2+
- tamelibs.lha dev/amos 21K 164+Addendum to amos92.dms for TAME
- TBSdemo9.lha dev/amos 106K 102+AMOS Bob/Sprite editor.
- tscene1.lha dev/amos 147K 113+Demo of scene/map editor with TURBO Plus
- TTT.lha game/think 48K 75+Tic-Tac-Toe in AMOS (V0.6, german)
- turbo1.lha dev/amos 103K 113+Demo of TURBO Plus. Includes full list
- Twinz.lha game/think 133K 20+Great matching pairs game.
- UniWaveDemo.lha dev/amos 65K 55+Cool programming demo in AMOS!
- unlocker.lha dev/amos 5K 2+Unlocks AMOS locked procedures
- VarCheck101.lha dev/amos 11K 89+Update to easylife variable checker
- walk.lha dev/amos 188K 11+Source for dungeon walk like in Beholder
- ZoneEditor3.lha dev/amos 65K 90+Includes Editor Enhancer.
- Please email me with changes, adds, deletions, etc.
- 7) What AMOS clubs are there besides the AMOS UK club run by Aaron Fothergill?
- Here is some info, furnished by Ryan Scott (rscott@gate.net):
- Klub AMOS France
- DP 133
- 18003 Bourges
- Cedex France
- ++(33) 482 48375 FAX
- Contact is Denis Bernard. I don't know what they do exactly.
- Australian AMOS Club
- PO Box 168
- Willoughby Australia
- NSW 2068
- +61 2 528 2645 voice/FAX
- Publish an excellent newsletter 4 x a year, have large PD library and
- active users. Wayne Johnson is the editor.
- The Mr AMOS Club
- 8 Magnolia Park
- Dunmurry
- BT17 ODS
- Northern Ireland
- 0232 626694
- Excellent AMOS support in the UK and elsewhere. Provided by Brian Bell,
- Mr AMOS himself. Publish an excellent disk magazine, and has PD.
- The AMOS Club USA
- PO Box 11434
- Milwaukee WI 53211
- Publish a bi-monthly newsletter. Mark Schultz, editor. Have AMOS PD.
- Totally AMOS and the
- Official AMOS PD Library
- 17 Wick Farm Road
- St Lawrence Bay
- Nr Southminster
- Essex CM0 7PF UK
- Publish Totally AMOS disk magazine, maintain the only 'official' AMOS PD
- library with APD disks totalling over 600. Run by Anne Tucker, and Len
- Tucker.
- Brian Bell's Mr. AMOS Club (listed in section 7) were apparently robbed right
- after they moved into a new building and did not have insurance. They lost
- 5000pounds worth of equipment and have had to sell the rights to Charlie Chimp
- I and II, and Spacefighter to get some minimal equipment. Their PD disk has
- stoppped as of issue 6. No word as to whether or not they will start again.
- 9) BOOKS
- AMOS IN ACTION by Len Tucker. Published by KUMA.
- AMIGA GAME MAKER'S MANUAL by Stephen Hill. Published by SIGMA.
- ULTIMATE AMOS by Jason Holborn. Published by Amiga Format (Future)
- 10) AmiNet Sites
- Country Machine Name IP address Directory
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- USA (MO) ftp.wustl.edu pub/aminet/
- USA (TX) ftp.etsu.edu pub/aminet/
- USA (WI) ftp.netnet.net pub/aminet/
- Scandinavia ftp.luth.se pub/aminet/
- Switzerland ftp.eunet.ch pub/aminet/
- Switzerland ftp.math.ethz.ch pub/aminet/
- Switzerland litamiga.epfl.ch pub/aminet/ (*)
- Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-erlangen.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-bielefeld.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-oldenburg.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-kl.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-stuttgart.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.uni-siegen.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.stud.fh-heilbronn.de pub/aminet/
- Germany ftp.tu-chemnitz.de pub/aminet/
- UK ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk pub/aminet/
- UK micros.hensa.ac.uk pub/aminet/
- (*) closed 6:30am to 4pm weekdays
- or try Searching gopherspace with ARCHIE, VERONICA, or JUGHEAD!
- End of FAQ